First League, 14 тур Шымкент. Стадион имени Кажымукана
First League, 14 тур Актау. "Жас Канат"
First League, 14 тур Уральск. Стадион имени Атояна
First League, 14 тур Темиртау. "Металлург"
First League, 14 тур Каратау. "Центральный"
First League, 14 тур Атакент. "Алпамыс Батыр"
First League, 14 тур Астана. "Астана Арена"
First League, 13 тур Талдыкорган. "Жетысу"
First League, 13 тур Астана. Стадион им. Мунайтпасова
First League, 13 тур Усть-Каменогорск. "Восток"
13:3201 july, 2014 Appointment of judges and inspectors for the matches of the 14th round of the First League
13:3224 june, 2014 Assignment of the judges and inspectors for the matches of the 13th round of the First League
12:0917 june, 2014 Appointment of judges and inspectors for the matches of the 12th round of the First League