Professional Football League of Republic of Kazakhstan

Professional Football League
of Republic of Kazakhstan


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Alexandr Arefyev: «The tournament of reserve team and PFL Cup play very important role for young football players»

Alexandr Arefyev: «The tournament of reserve team and PFL Cup play very important role for young football players»


After a victory match on the final of PFL Cup the Chief Coach of the Almaty “Kairat” reserve team Alexandr Arefyev shared his impressions of the match and season generally to the official website of PFL:

- The game was interesting and grueling. Rivals were worth each other. I liked the game of rivals. “Irtysh” had advantage on the first half, seemed faster and stronger. We had luck one time and could shoot a goal. Regarding this we planned the following game and could shoot two goals to the net of rivals. Both teams were worth the victory on this match. Today we had a success. Our team worked seriously, increased during all match and we received a worthy result at the end of the season.   
Could you evaluate importance of the reserve team tournament and PFL Cup?   
- I think the reserve team tournament and PFL Cup play an important role in the career of the young football players. They are too young, all is before them and it is one of the staged in their career. I think it is important. Regarding the emotions and happiness of the boys it is seems like this, and I am very happy for them.   
- How is going the matters of the young players transferring to the first eleven?
- It is very important moment. We work with the young players for this purpose, in order to their growth and transfer to the main teams. But it is difficult to do it now, because there are legionaries. It is hard to reach the first eleven and stay there for them. We have 5-6 players who are usually invited to the first eleven. Some of them played several times in the squad; some of them is going to do it. The most depends on the success and the confidence of the coach. Young players often need support on all sides, trust in his strength and then it can be succeed. Of course the most depends on them too. If they work hard there will be a result. 





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